Leading GCC energy sector testing centre sets up Oman presence
The Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI), in cooperation with the National Centre for Standardisation, organised a workshop to introduce the Gulf Laboratory Company and its unique services, which contribute to realising the vision of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries in localizing industry and building the knowledge economy for the energy and industry sectors. The Gulf Laboratory Company is a company specialised in the fields of examinations, inspections, tests, calibration and engineering studies. Its work was launched in 2016 with joint cooperation between a group of leading entities in its fields, led by Aramco, the Saudi Electricity Company, the Investment Fund, the Gulf Interconnection Authority representing the GCC countries and a group of energy pioneers in the market. The company has established the largest laboratories complex in the world on an area of 170,000 square meters in the city of Dammam, and includes under its umbrella the latest and largest renewable energy, high voltage and calibration laboratories in the Middle East and North Africa region. Despite the company's recent age, it has contributed pivotally to enhancing the reliability of the energy sector by conducting conformity and calibration tests for smart meters in Saudi Arabia and enabling a Gulf factory to export solar panels to three European countries by providing accreditation tests in addition to contributing as a neutral party in related investigations accidents in the power sector. The company is interested in transferring knowledge and developing the national human resources of the GCC states. It also seeks to enable them to carry out their jobs after completing the required qualification and training. The company also operates a group of specialized laboratories that are operated by experts at the highest levels. The company has recently opened its office in the Sultanate of Oman to enable industries and services to contribute to the creation of meaningful jobs for Omani youth. On the sidelines of the workshop, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Gulf Laboratory Company for Renewable Energy and the National Centre for Standardidation in the Sultanate of Oman. Souvenirs were also exchanged between the representative of the Gulf Laboratory Company and Saleh al Balushi, Assistant General Manager for the Board of Directors Affairs of OCCI.